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CASE STUDY (scanlabprojects) Crime Scene

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

LiDAR is a remote sensing method. Laser light is used in LiDAR technology to take measurements. To produce 3D models and maps of objects and environments, these are employed.

LiDAR stands for light Detection and ranging. This remote sensing technique is frequently referred to by the abbreviation LiDAR. It is also referred to as laser scanning or 3D scanning and uses light to detect distances(Autodesk, 2022) .

The duration it takes for light beams to strike an object or surface and reflect back to the laser scanner is calculated by a LiDAR system. The speed of light is then used to determine the distance. These are measurements referred to as "Time of Flight."

*Light travels at a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second.

LiDAR scanning units can generate hundreds of thousands of pulses per second, depending on the sensor used. The light waves return to the LiDAR sensor after reflecting off the objects. The sensor calculates distance by counting the time it takes for each pulse to return (time of flight). These pulsed laser readings, or returns, can all be combined to create a "point cloud," a 3D picture. In a nutshell, it is how a LiDAR sensor operates(GeoSLAM, What is Lidar and how does it work, 2022).

Applications for LiDAR systems and data include

Mapping, Architecture, Real Estate, Construction, games industry, The Environment, Automotive, Space Travel, Object and Prop Scanning, Set and Location Scanning, Data Wrangling, Texture and Round shot Photography, Vehicle Scanning, Character Cyber Scanning

looking in detail at a situation (Crime Scene), technology (3D scanning) or company (scanlab projects). By looking at real-world examples of 3d scanning the crime scene is a real set that was digitally enhanced over the course of two days using 3D scanning technology. To create a realistic setting that reflected some of the difficulties faced by detectives in piecing together the circumstances leading up to the victim's death, makeup artists, prop makers, and designers were brought in.

From murders to traffic accidents A growing number of crime scenes and significant incidents are being digitally recreated using 3D scanning technology. The space and its contents are captured with millimeter-level accuracy thanks to the exceptional level of detail. The data is used extensively throughout the investigation by Criminal Investigations Departments (CID) and potential jurors, bringing viewers back to the crime site to experience or possibly detect something that was not feasible at the time.

While 3D scanners are great at capturing most surfaces, some types of surfaces cause the light to be distorted in such a way that it interferes with the data acquisition process. They affect how the 3D scanner views the object and consequently affect how it takes the images.

-If the object is shiny and black for example a car it is very difficult to capture the data as we know value 1 is white, 0 is black so we get no data value when its black (The surface absorbs the light) and as it is shiny (Light scatters and bounces in uncontrollable directions). For helmet as its glass is transparent (The light goes right through the surface) (Motley, 2022).


Motley, P. (2022) How to scan dark, shiny, or clear surfaces with a 3D scanner [with video demo], GoMeasure3D. Available at: (Accessed: November 21, 2022).

Photogrammetry software: 3D models from photos (2022) Autodesk. Available at:,2D%20or%203D%20digital%20models. (Accessed: November 21, 2022).

What is Lidar and how does it work? (2022) GeoSLAM. Available at: (Accessed: November 21, 2022).

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