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The Photographic Truth Claim: Can we believe what we see?

The Movies matrix depicts todays world were we are unable to differentiate b/w illusion and reality. The current example like were we can alter reality on live video call by applying beauty filter, In tiktok using teen filter anyone can look young in there videos, Instagram and in movies like fast and furious 7 actor paul walker was filmed in the movies but you know that he died during the F&F7 shoot so, with the help of brothers using human cgi the movie was completed. So, its difficult to believe whats real or unreal. But in photograph were an object in front of lens is captured live at he moment without altering the reality or any changes can be use as proof or imprint of reality, even we alter the photograph using compositing, visual manipulation, deep fake, matte painting or filters Santag says there is always presumption that something existed(Theres always some part of reality/truth hidden in alter images). As James fox (Age of the image 4 - fake views 2021) tells us about agony of cave as a example were illusions and shadows become reality i think its like dream world sometimes we think its happening in real but when we wake up we realise that was just an illusion/dream. It all started very long back during While Hurley image composition but invention of photoshop by two brothers made it simplified there after images become reality for example social media like instagram, And in movies use of live action + mattepainting on glass in starwars, realistic believable dinosaurs in Jurassic park, interstellar and inception. And, reality has become more like image for example google earth, live news on tv, architecture and visualisation (Gunning, T. 2017). hence blurring the boundary between photograph and digital images so it is hard to believe what we see?

Harvard Reference:

​Age of the image 4 - fake views (2021) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: November 2, 2022).

BBC iPlayer (2020) Age of the Image. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2020).

Gunning, T. (2017) PLENARY SESSION II. Digital Aestethics. What’s the Point of an Index? or, Faking Photographs . Nordicom Review, Vol.25 (Issue 1-2), pp. 39-49.

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